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General AttributesGeneral Attributes: 

Title Pantech Element Android 4.0.4 System Upgrade
Released 2012 Oct 5
Version JWUS09102012
Author Pantech USA
Category:   ROM Update

Additional InformationAdditional Information: 

Pantech Element P4100 (At&t) Upgrade to Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS

New User Features
- Enhanced Home screen canvas switcher edit functionality(In the preview of home screen panels, users can change a main home screen panel).
- Enhanced Multitasking and Notifications functionality.
- Enhanced User Interface : Virtual buttons in System bar, contextual options in Action Bar.
- Improved text input and spell-checking (Android keyboard)
- Control over Network data and Powerful web browsing
- New! Self mode and Panorama capture mode in camera.
- New! Time-Lapse recording function in video camera.

UI Improvements
- Improved user interface design with GL library.
- Support for Native Sync of AT&T Address Book.
- Improved lock screen.
- Improved Quick Settings and Detail Settings.
- Additional Improvement UI interfaces.
More information URL

Geographical AttributesGeographical Attributes: 
Language:   English

Datasheet AttributesDatasheet Attributes: 

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Data IntegrityData integrity level determines the integrity of the published information. Final datasheets are not intended to be modified in the future, preliminary ones can be based on unofficial information or speculations, incomplete ones are also preliminary b  Final
AddedThe exact time of the datasheet addition 2012-10-05 18:13
You are here: Firmware \ Pantech Element Android 4.0.4 System Upgrade JWUS09102012 datasheet